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Dermatological Products

Why topical medications?


For some skin conditions, the best route of drug administration is the topical application. Skin conditions which are traditionally treated with topical application include but not limited to are eczema, skin infection, sores, warts, acne, melena, etc.



What are the advantages of medications applied to the skin or topical application? 


Products applied to the skin (cream, gel, spray) have significant advantages over oral medications:

  • Low risk of systemic adverse events and drug interactions

  • Higher concentration of medication in the applied area

  • Smaller amount of drug is used

  • Minimal effect on intestinal flora

  • Low cost

  • Easier to administer to a young child



​What compounded product do you have for warts?


Verrusol, a three ingredient compound, with cantharidin as the main active agent, is most popular. Cantheridin is an effective vesicant isolated from blister beetles.  When applied to the wart topically, it causes blistering of the wart area.  After a few days, the blistered wart will naturally dry up and fall off, with new healthy skin replacing the wart area.  There is practically no pain or very little pain and the skin heals over with very small, if any, scar or discoloration. 



What compounded product do you have for skin lightening?


One of the potential problems with OTC skin lightening cream is ineffectiveness or overuse. Under the care of a physician, an appropriate strength and combination of ingredients can be more effective and safely administered. We have numerous formula using single or combinations of active ingredients for skin lightening. Hydroquinone at prescription strength is one of the most effective ingredients.  Please contact us for availability of the desired drug combinations.

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